September 7, 2023 - Congratulations, Mary Chapman!  This was a well-deserved recognition for the Rotary Legacy that you have created!  Mary's start with our club began in 1967 as a "Rotary Ann" when her husband was inducted into the club during the first meeting after the club was chartered.  Mary and Bubber quickly became the Party Planners for the club and have hosted events over the last 40 years ranging from Halloween costume parties to the annual Christmas party, Major Donor dinners and just simple intimate get-togethers for fellow Rotarians.  Mary was the 3rd women to join our club on March 1, 1989 and has remained an active member all this time.  Mary received a membership recognition award in 2002 for helping the club gain 27 members.  Mary has since sponsored 24 members herself and has the 25th one in the prospective member cycle now.  Mary has attended numerous RI Conventions and had the unique opportunity to travel to India with a group of Rotarians to administer Polio vaccines.  Mary received the Club Rotarian of the Year award in 2002 and was chosen as a Sheffield Leadership Award recipient in 2007 for her work as the president of our club.  The following year, Mary received the D6900 Rotarian of the Year award.   Mary and her husband are also Major Donor Level IV!  Mary's legacy lives on with her children being Rotarians and grandchildren growing up through Interact as well.  Mary wears her "Rotary Heart" on her sleeve - What a great example of a ROTARIAN!  We are so blessed to have Mary as a mentor to all of us!